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Kubernetes monitor using Prometheus and Thanos , (2)Deployment
This article is about how to deploy the Prometheus+Thanos with Azure Kubernetes Service and Storage Account. The architecture and introduction about this solution can be find in former article:
In this part, we are going to use helm to deploy all the services and explain some of the parameters in the helm value chart so as to have a deeper knowledge about the deployment.
First of all, this article is using multi-cluster Istio as service mesh solution, so it will not have ingress for internal Prometheus or Thanos services. If you want to know about the Istio architect, can refer to:
The purpose of sharing this series of articles is to provide another solution for containization in cloud platform so someone has interests in it will have some try and feedback to me. If you think this series of articles can help you or you met some difficulties, can leave a message and share with me. We may cooperate in the future.
So, let’s start.
- Create Storage Account secret
You may use vault if you need more security. But for demo, I will deploy the secret directly. Please transfer the objstore in base64 and pass in thanos-objstore-secret.yaml. I will use…